24 June, 2011


On 25th May, the new joint Helensvale Neighbourhood Watch was well attended for the second meeting at the Helensvale and Pacific Pines Cricket Club.
Danny Katz from the Australian Heart Foundation amazed us with the story of his remarkable survival of 29 cardiac arrests, and gave valuable information about heart-attacks, their causes and treatment, and the important life-style changes necessary for minimising the chances of having a heart-attack. Danny is a courageous and inspirational speaker who now gives his time voluntarily to promote healthy hearts in our community.
Constable Justine from the Police talked about the incidence of crime in Helensvale, saying it is one of the safer areas on the whole. She provided print-outs giving details of recent criminal activity, and these were mostly of a minor nature fortunately. Area 2 has seen a reduction in crime over the last few months, whether this is due in any part to a stronger NHW presence, we cannot tell, but we still need to be vigilant.
Councillor John Wayne told us that work on the new Helensvale Library is about to start. A demountable building will temporarily house the books when construction work starts. A mention was made of the recent Allconnex water dispute, which has resulted in less money to spend. A hydraulics study is to be funded for the Helensvale Golf Club to investigate the flooding problems. Cr Wayne also talked of a Thank You Day for the Emergency Services for possibly 20th August, which could involve careers information.
This interesting, informative and enjoyable meeting finished with informal talk and discussions over light refreshments shortly after 8pm. The good turnout was all the more remarkable for this night televising the first State of Origin match!
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator, Area 2

14 March, 2011


The first amalgamated meeting of Helensvale Groups 1,2 and 7 went ahead successfully at the Helensvale and Pacific Pines Cricket Club as planned, in the presence of Michael Crandon MP, Councillor John Wayne, Sergeant Martin Webb, our District Crime Prevention Officer, and guest speaker Sandra Edwards from the Volunteers in Policing, who stepped in at very short notice when our planned speaker from the SES was otherwise engaged in the north due to Cyclone Yasi!

It was our group (Group 2)'s turn to chair the meeting, so coordinator Margaret McDermott opened the meeting and introduced the speakers in the comfortable, very pleasant new venue. Also present at the top table were the coordinators of Group 1, Geoff Hay, and Group 7, Sonja Walsh who went through their meeting formalities and raised some issues for our guest speakers(see below). The coordinators also raised the question about how to spread NHW to include areas not presently covered in Helensvale. It was decided that each Group would print an extra 50 issues of their newsletters, and give them out in one street outside their area. It was pointed out that the Cricket Club itself was not presently covered by a NHW group!
The amalgamated NHW group would be taking part in the Senior's Expo at Parklands in July, and would draw up a roster to man the stall. We needed urgently to collect ideas for awareness-raising and fund-raising.

Michael Crandon welcomed the new amalgamation and offered his continuing support for the enlarged group. He said that an enlarged group can do more for Neighbourhood Watch, and we should try to gather as much support from the community as possible. He invited everyone present to bring along one friend for the next meeting, thus doubling the attendance.

Cr Wayne gave an update on issues previously discussed in meetings, such as the objections to the new edifice put up between the Pacific Highway and the BP garage, and the success of the CCTV security camera at River Downs. On discussing whether our groups could acquire such a camera, Cr Wayne said that the River Downs residents had contributed to meet the costs themselves, and that that particular location, with only one access road in and out, made the camera very effective. Even if our combined groups could raise the money for one camera, there would be difficulty deciding where to put it, as several would be needed to provide adequate surveillance for our three areas!

Sergeant Webb talked about crime in Helensvale generally, saying that car crime was prevalent in recent weeks. Thieves were targeting cars parked on drives and in open carports, and taking advantage of those left unlocked with valuables inside them. (some NHW members had had warnings about this earlier, and had sent notes round to immediate neighbours to lock up their cars, and put a warning in the newsletter.)

Sandra Edwards talked about the work of Volunteers in Policing. VIPs give clerical assistance to the police, help with crime-prevention in practical ways such as fitting security screws to car number-plates, and will visit homes to give advice on deterring burglars and other security issues. There is no age-limit for applicants wanting to join the VIPs, active retirees are welcome. All recruits have to have a police check and undergo a short training course.

The meeting ended just before 9pm, and there was an opportunity to socialise, hand out graffiti removal kits, and have a drink at the bar. There was free tea and coffee available. All three Area coordinators were pleased with the new venue: it had a friendly atmosphere and lots of space. Our thanks to Ian Wade-Parker for providing this excellent meeting-place, and for all his work preparing and clearing-up before and afterwards. The only sad note to mention is that attendance was poor. We need more of you to come along and use your Neighbourhood Watch. It's all about your safety and peace of mind, it's free and an enjoyable, social occasion. We hope to see you on 25th May, when Sonja Walsh from Group 7 will host the meeting at 7pm at Helensvale and Pacific Pines Cricket Club, Parkes Drive, Helensvale.

19 November, 2010


THE NEXT MEETING FOR NHW GROUPS 1,2 &7 WILL BE HELD AT HELENSVALE AND PACIFIC PINES CRICKET CLUB, (Parkes Drive, or on foot across the Hession Oval from Discovery Drive) ON WEDNESDAY, 23rd FEBRUARY, AT 7.00PM

AGM 18th November,2010

This was the final meeting of the year and possibly the final meeting of Area 2 alone, as next year we amalgamate with Areas 1 and 7 for a trial period.

Cr John Wayne and Sergeant Martin Webb were our guests for the evening. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, hearing the Treasurer's and Coordinator's reports, nominations were asked for the office-holders' positions, and there being only those for the present incumbents, Margaret McDermott was re-elected Coordinator, Ros Gillespie, Secretary, and (in absentia) Jill Holloway, Treasurer for the coming year, 2011.

Sergeant Webb talked about the crime figures, which were low at 14 in total for the quarter, August - September, and consisting of 3 burglaries, 3 stealing from motor vehicles, 1 case of wilful damage, 4 stealing from houses or other and 3 trespass cases. This is not exactly a Bronx hell-hole, but we need to be vigilant and take care of our beautiful suburb!

Cr John Wayne talked about proposed and on-going infra-structure building work in Division 2, and the difficulty of keeping costs down. Getting jobs done for a reasonable rate is a constant frustration, but Cr Wayne continues to fight for fair deals for rate-payers. The new library for Helensvale is set to go ahead over the next two years with a target to complete it by 2012. Construction will begin on a demountable building to house the temporary library soon.

Amalgamation of three Helensvale NHW groups has been done to cut duplication of costs and resources and to strengthen the NHW "brand" in the community. A bigger group will have more power, more ideas and more people to spread the workload (which has never been excessive!) In the coming year, we will try to raise public awareness of NHW and talk to residents of Helensvale whose areas do not presently have a NHW group. We hope that an extended group will hold more social and "fun" events, and our new venue, the Helensvale and Pacific Pines Cricket Club, will be spacious enough for these, as well as the routine meetings.
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator, Area 2.

23 August, 2010


Organ Donation will be the subject of the talk at Thursday's meeting. This is not something that people find easy to think about or discuss, but it involves life and death and could affect any of us at any time.

I have donated all my usable parts in the event of my dying in an accident, or in circumstances where organs can be harvested in time. I have also donated my brain (for research - not transplant!!) because I believe that when we die our bodies can be used to save lives or enhance the quality of life in those who, for instance, are blind,or have to spend days on dialysis. I won't need my kidneys any more when I am dead, so why burn them? I would be comforted by the thought that some part of a loved one is living on in someone else, but I know that others would shudder at the thought.

Whatever your views, why not come along and hear an expert give the facts. Put your questions to Amanda Gilbert, Regional Transplant Coordinator, or express your fears or objections on this issue.
Margaret McDermott, Area 2 Coordinator

21 May, 2010


The public meeting at Helensvale Community Centre in the evening on 20th May was a friendly and informative occasion, with our guests John Wayne from GCCC, and Sgt Martin Webb, our District Crime Prevention Officer speaking about what is being done to improve our environment and prevent crime in Helensvale 2 area, and beyond.

Cllr Wayne had recently seen a demonstration of microdotting property, to aid in its identification when recovered after theft. These tiny dots are hard to detect with the naked eye and difficult to remove. When scanned by a special reader, a dot shows a number unique to the owner thus enabling recovered property to be returned more quickly. Cllr Wayne also mentioned the ICE (In Case of Emergency) scheme for all owners of mobile phones. These are a list of next-of-kin contacts to be informed in an emergency situation, entered together under ICE in the mobile's phone book. These enable the emergency services to contact relatives quickly after an accident or other emergency. The recommendation is that six or seven numbers be included here.

Sgt Webb talked about the success the police are having in detecting and arresting graffiti artists and taggers. New covert operations have yielded very good results. Those caught have been made to clean off their "work", and this has been more successful in cutting down re-offending that court appearances. From 1st July, graffiti can be removed from private property if publicly visible, without the owner's consent if necessary, so that those property owners who do not respond to requests to contact the Council for removal can still have the graffiti cleaned off. Roadside graffiti is the responsibility of the Highways Department, not the GCCC, and has to be removed by them. However, keep the reports/photographs coming to either police or Council and these will be acted upon quickly.

Sgt Webb also mentioned that engraving is still a very effective identifier of stolen property, and until the microdot method becomes more widespread, is easier at present for the police to get engraved property back to its owners. It is also cheaper: an engraving tool costs from around $20 from Bunnings, and the microdot kits are around $60 -100 (depending on size). Engravings are fairly easy to do, and should follow the Queensland Police coding, consisting of the initials of your first name and family name, date of birth (in six-figure format), followed by the letter Q . One advantage of engraving is that its visibility can deter thieves because of the difficulty in selling-on the stolen goods. However, as microdotting becomes more widely used, this will probably become the preferred method of identification in the near future.

All present were able to put their questions and comments to our guests, and a very pleasant evening was happily rounded off with tea, coffee, biscuits and conversation.
Margaret McDermott

20 April, 2010

Make a Real Difference


You and I can really help to reduce crime. You can do this safely and anonymously if you wish. From watching and noting suspicious strangers, (remember, most break-ins to houses happen in the daytime), noting the Rego number, and the colour, make and age of cars parked in quiet side-streets that are not usually there, to calling the Graffiti hotline, you can help rid our lovely area of crime and the distress and worry it causes!

CrimeStoppers is the choice to call if you want to remain anonymous. They have a national call-centre so need to know where you are. They will refer you to the local police. They offer rewards for information leading to big crime busts, so will give you a reference number if this is appropriate. For petty crime and vandalism, the local station should be contacted. This IS worthwhile doing because they can get a picture of what is happening in a particular area, and your information can be another piece of the jigsaw. So even if you hear nothing further, be sure that accurate information can be very valuable . CrimeStoppers are on 1 800 333 000. Coomera Police Station is on 5519 5555, after-hours police contact is on 5581 2999.

For graffiti, our council gives a very fast response on their email site. (See the earlier blog below) If you can email a photograph, all the better, because often a "tag" identifies the culprit, and his/her area of operation. The police and the council are very keen to crack down on graffiti and try to get it removed as soon as possible. As said previously, on council land, this is very quickly removed, but on private land, the owner has to request help and can obtain free of charge, a removal kit. Where an owner cannot do the actual removal for themselves, perhaps due to age or infirmity, the council will help. Graffiti Hotline number is 5581 7998, and the email address for photos or notification is graffiti@goldcoast.qld.gov.au

Our next meeting is on 20th May at the Helensvale Community Centre at 7pm. Please try to spare the time to join us - there is a lot of interesting and useful information to be learned, lovely people to meet (especially good if you are new to this area), free refreshments, access to our own Police Liason Officer and a local politician to ask your questions or put your worries to directly. AND IT IS ALL FREE - with no charges, raffles or collection, and no obligations.
Margaret McDermott

12 March, 2010

Annual General Meeting, 25th February

This event saw the re-election of the three main office-holders and remain as last year: Coordinator: Margaret McDermott; Secretary: Ros Gillespie; Treasurer: Jill Holloway. Margaret will continue as News editor, with Tony McDermott as Technical Assistant.

We were delighted to meet our new Crime Prevention Liason Officer, Sergeant Martin Webb, who talked to the group about his role and the rearrangement of policing in the area. Helensvale is now under the Coomera District, not Surfer's Paradise, as previously.

There is a drive to combat graffiti throughout the District, and the public are urged to contact the police or the Graffiti Hotline, and if possible, photograph the tags. The Coordinator had earlier sent some photographs of graffiti in the Pedestrian Link Park via email to the Hotline, and got an immediate response. Because some were on private property, and this needed the owner's consent for the Council to help with removal, it was decided to visit these houses to ask the residents to ring the Council to give permission. Some of the properties were tenanted, further complicating the process, but one tenant spoken to did show concern and agreed to contact his landlord. It is essential to report graffiti as soon as possible.
The Hotline number is 5581 7998, and their email is graffiti@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
The Council will give free cleaning solvents to property-owners, and will help with removal where householders are unable to do this themselves.

Still on the subject of graffiti, a phone call from a resident in our area reported that her garden had been visited in the night by "graffitists", and her patio furniture sprayed with black paint. She wanted the NHW to alert people to the fact that private property had been invaded, taking graffiti to a new low! If anyone else has a similar experience, PLEASE let the police know on 5519 5555, or phone me on 5580 1264. We need to know if this was a single incident or a new trend.
The crime figures were of concern. The number of burglaries and thefts from houses/garages etc has increased. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO LOCK DOORS, LOCK CARS INSIDE GARAGES, SECURE WINDOWS AND DON'T LET IN ANY CALLERS AT THE DOOR. Talk to them through the (locked)safety-door. If working in the back yard, lock up the front doors and windows.

Sgt Webb spoke about his experiences in different areas of police work, and answered questions about his new role. There were the usual refreshments served, whilst people had an opportunity to socialise or raise issues privately. Apart from technical hitches with the projector, the meeting went well.
The next meeting is on 20th May in the Community Centre North Hall at 7pm.

04 February, 2010


I hope that everyone had a good break over Christmas and New Year, and enjoyed themselves on Australia Day! It was good news that there were fewer incidents of violence on Australia Day, but there are still too many drink-driving incidents, risking lives and serious injury, sadly!

This NHW group would like to extend a warm welcome to Sergeant Martin Webb who is our new District Crime Prevention Liason Officer, following the reorganisation of policing services in this area. We now fall under the jurisdiction of the Coomera district instead of Surfer's Paradise, and say farewell and thanks to Sergeant Tracey Clouston, who gave us excellent support over the time she looked after the Helensvale NHW groups. Sergeant Webb is assisted by VIPs (Volunteers in Policing), and we wish him, and his team, every success in helping to fight crime in the new northern sub-division of Coomera.

This NHW group starts its 2010 activities with the AGM on Thursday, 25th February, at the Helensvale Community Centre (North Hall) at 7pm. There will be the election of office-holders as well as the usual business of discussing the latest crime figures and giving all attendees a chance to ask questions or raise issues of concern.

Although the present office-holders are happy to continue in their roles, it is necessary to hold an election so that if anyone new wants to offer themselves or nominate someone for any of the four positions, they have the opportunity. For your information, the four posts are :

Coordinator - This person organises and chairs the meetings, organises events, chooses speakers, liases with the police and council, and mobilises the Block and Zone Coordinators for delivering the quarterly newsletter. The time needed is not excessive, but it can get busy as meeting times approach.
Secretary - This person writes letters as needed: answering incoming correspondence, issuing invitations to guests, writing letters of thanks etc. The Secretary attends meetings and minutes all proceedings and provides copies of the Minutes of the previous meeting for circulation or reading out.
Treasurer - This role involves keeping account of income and expenditure, paying bills (for room-hire, equipment etc). The Treasurer attends every meeting and gives a report on the state of the finances. Not much time is needed for this position.
Newletter Editor - This role involves writing a quarterly newsletter, submitting it to our Federal MP's office for printing, and collecting 800 copies for distribution. This person needs access to a computer and email preferably, and an ability to use desk-top publication software.
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator.

16 November, 2009


There have been a series of incidents here in Helensvale recently which call for a new watchfulness by householders. There have been several break-ins to people's homes WHILST THEY WERE IN WATCHING TELEVISION! The thieves have removed bug-screens to open windows and climbed through very small gaps into bedrooms and rifled through cupboards and drawers, scooping up valuables then dashing out before the householder knew they were even in the house. It is thought that one of them kept watch through a gap in the curtains to make sure the householders were sitting down or occupied, perhaps warning the person or persons doing the robbery if the householders got up to investigate noise, or walked towards the bedroom.

The burglars must be small, perhaps young teenagers or children, and seem to have no fear. So far they have not been disturbed during their activities.

If you think you hear someone in your house, ring 000 immediately and do not confront them. If you discover the burglary only when you go to bed, ring the non-emergency number, 5581 2999 (if it is after 4pm) and you will be visited, but this may take time, so be patient, as priority has to be given to incidents in progress. The police are very helpful but you can help them do their job more efficiently if you have a photograph of your jewellery or valuables (do this BEFORE you are robbed) for insurance and identity purposes. If you haven't got a digital camera, contact me on 5580 1264 and NHW can photo your property and give you a print-out to keep, free of charge.

Keep your home safe by making sure your windows only open about 10cm. Putting pieces of dowling or sticks into the sliding window tracks is a very good and inexpensive prevention against anyone getting in quietly. If you can put your head in the gap, someone can get through it! Make sure you draw your curtains fully, or blinds, so that someone outside can't see into your lounge-room. They might not chance breaking in if they don't know where you are in the house. A security alarm won't help in this situation because you are in the house, and won't have it armed. Make sure you lock all doors when in or out, and front doors if in the back yard.

Also take care when strangers knock on your door, day or night. They might be trying to find out if the house is occupied, or they might be keeping you talking whilst a second person nips round the back to try their luck with any open doors, and get in to steal. Be specially careful if two people call and ask for access to taps, pipes or electrical supply equipment. One will keep you talking whilst the other picks up whatever he or she finds in the house and can pocket without suspicion. Sometimes, they will carry false ID and pretend to be from an official organisation. A genuine caller will not mind if you phone to check that the company has really sent him or her, and a bogus caller will probably be scared off. Play safe and don't let anyone inside the house you are not happy about, and try to memorise details about them.

Lastly, if you are conned by a criminal, it is NEVER YOUR FAULT. These tricksters prey on the fact that most of us are truthful and believe what we are told. It is PERFECTLY REASONABLE to believe that we have been told the truth. Societies work on trust. If this is destroyed, then great harm is done to all of us, so put the blame where it belongs!
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator.