24 June, 2011


On 25th May, the new joint Helensvale Neighbourhood Watch was well attended for the second meeting at the Helensvale and Pacific Pines Cricket Club.
Danny Katz from the Australian Heart Foundation amazed us with the story of his remarkable survival of 29 cardiac arrests, and gave valuable information about heart-attacks, their causes and treatment, and the important life-style changes necessary for minimising the chances of having a heart-attack. Danny is a courageous and inspirational speaker who now gives his time voluntarily to promote healthy hearts in our community.
Constable Justine from the Police talked about the incidence of crime in Helensvale, saying it is one of the safer areas on the whole. She provided print-outs giving details of recent criminal activity, and these were mostly of a minor nature fortunately. Area 2 has seen a reduction in crime over the last few months, whether this is due in any part to a stronger NHW presence, we cannot tell, but we still need to be vigilant.
Councillor John Wayne told us that work on the new Helensvale Library is about to start. A demountable building will temporarily house the books when construction work starts. A mention was made of the recent Allconnex water dispute, which has resulted in less money to spend. A hydraulics study is to be funded for the Helensvale Golf Club to investigate the flooding problems. Cr Wayne also talked of a Thank You Day for the Emergency Services for possibly 20th August, which could involve careers information.
This interesting, informative and enjoyable meeting finished with informal talk and discussions over light refreshments shortly after 8pm. The good turnout was all the more remarkable for this night televising the first State of Origin match!
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator, Area 2