19 November, 2010

AGM 18th November,2010

This was the final meeting of the year and possibly the final meeting of Area 2 alone, as next year we amalgamate with Areas 1 and 7 for a trial period.

Cr John Wayne and Sergeant Martin Webb were our guests for the evening. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, hearing the Treasurer's and Coordinator's reports, nominations were asked for the office-holders' positions, and there being only those for the present incumbents, Margaret McDermott was re-elected Coordinator, Ros Gillespie, Secretary, and (in absentia) Jill Holloway, Treasurer for the coming year, 2011.

Sergeant Webb talked about the crime figures, which were low at 14 in total for the quarter, August - September, and consisting of 3 burglaries, 3 stealing from motor vehicles, 1 case of wilful damage, 4 stealing from houses or other and 3 trespass cases. This is not exactly a Bronx hell-hole, but we need to be vigilant and take care of our beautiful suburb!

Cr John Wayne talked about proposed and on-going infra-structure building work in Division 2, and the difficulty of keeping costs down. Getting jobs done for a reasonable rate is a constant frustration, but Cr Wayne continues to fight for fair deals for rate-payers. The new library for Helensvale is set to go ahead over the next two years with a target to complete it by 2012. Construction will begin on a demountable building to house the temporary library soon.

Amalgamation of three Helensvale NHW groups has been done to cut duplication of costs and resources and to strengthen the NHW "brand" in the community. A bigger group will have more power, more ideas and more people to spread the workload (which has never been excessive!) In the coming year, we will try to raise public awareness of NHW and talk to residents of Helensvale whose areas do not presently have a NHW group. We hope that an extended group will hold more social and "fun" events, and our new venue, the Helensvale and Pacific Pines Cricket Club, will be spacious enough for these, as well as the routine meetings.
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator, Area 2.