02 July, 2009


A lot of people do not realise that flu and colds can be spread very readily by the hands. When you blow your nose or cough/ sneeze into your hands, you cover them with harmful bacteria and viruses which stay live for along time and multiply on warm moist skin. A simple habit of washing your hands EVERY time you touch your nose or mouth will help to minimise the chance of passing your germs onto others. The difficulty is remembering!!!

The correct way to hand wash, as told by a first-aid instructor was as follows:
1 Soap your hands all over thoroughly, up to the wrists,
2 Rub the soap in for the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday to You" all through,
3 Rinse the soap off.

Most of us just give a quick rinse under the tap, with or without soap, but that is not sufficient. It is the thorough rubbing-in of the soap that kills the germs. We have drastically reduced the incidence of tummy-bugs by hand-washing after using the toilet, so let's do the same for colds and flu.