Despite nearly all our publicity sources (except for the Newsletter) not giving us publicity, and our poster at Discovery Drive being stolen, we managed to convince nearly fifty motorists to have their number-plate screws exchanged for security ones. The Volunteers in Policing who did publicise the event, provided the materials and the service, and did a splendid job, so many thanks to them, and to the District Crime Prevention Unit who initiated this event. Thanks also to the NHW volunteers who helped.
28 July, 2009
The" Screwing Session"
You would think that an offer to give motorists something that makes their cars safer would be eagerly taken, but leafleting the Plaza on Friday morning (24th July) was uphill work!! Once people knew what was on offer, they responded warmly, but most headed determindly away from us, so we had to be persistent! Shouting "free screws" turned one or two heads, but to get attention, we had to walk alongside our targets telling a longish tale of explanation. The public have "charity collectors fatigue" unfortunately, and are guarded and suspicious even when there is a genuine freebee on offer, with no catch!! To overcome this, we need to promote NHW and its activities as a trusted organisation - trusted not to ask for money. This is why we do not fund-raise at meetings.
The public meeting on 23rd July went surprisingly well despite the absence of all our guest speakers. Federal MP Stuart Robert sent apologies that he had another commitment, and at the last minute our Police Liason Officer Sam Walsh telephoned to say she was unfortunately unwell. The Committee was present, comprising Margaret McDermott, Coordinator and Chair, Ros Gillespie , Secretary, and Jill Holloway, Treasurer.
More people than last time attended, and we had useful discussions on several topics. The formalities were conducted speedily, and the Chair announced details of the coming NHW State Conference in Brisbane, then information about the Community Safety Awards (see below on an earlier blog for details). She then spoke briefly about NHW and the elderly, emphasising the need to keep a special look-out for those who lived alone, the infirm and the very old, to just make sure they were safe.
One issue that a member of the public had asked us to raise was about the car-parking outside Helensvale Primary School at home-time. One disabled resident had had her driveway blocked completely so that her visiting son could not get his car out. Complaints from another person in the same street were that parents would move if they saw a police-vehicle, but then came back the next day. The challenge for NHW is to change behaviour more permanently. Ideas included actually fining some offenders instead of just giving warnings, and asking the police to have a publicised random "swoop" so that the parents know that one day, if they are illegally parked, they will be caught, but do not know when! Liasing with the principal Mr Pascoe on this issue should happen soon.
Another concern discussed was the recurring problems in the tunnel between the Plaza and Westfield. Grafitti and broken glass reappeared as soon as they were cleaned up. Could a security camera be fitted there? This will be passed on to Clr John Wayne shortly.
The danger to wildlife on Highvale Drive was raised by a concerned resident. Dogs are being exercised off the lead despite a sign saying this is illegal in this wildlife-corridor area. There have been injuries to wallabies and possums here. The Chair emphasised the need to keep all dogs and cats in at night, and to always accompany, and pick up after your dogs.
The crime-figures were then analysed: this quarterly's "hot-spots" were mentioned, and the surprising fact that all the house-burglaries had occurred during daylight hours. The popular image of "Burglar Bill" breaking-in in the dead of night is largely a myth - ( but still lock up at night!!), however, it is part of NHW's role to keep a look out for anything suspicious at any time.
The crime figures are actually down this quarter, reduced from 24 incidents to 16. Is this a co-incidence, or is NHW having an effect? Do keep coming to meetings, it makes a difference. If nothing else, you get to met your neighbours over a cup of coffee or tea. We never ask for donations at our meetings, and refreshments are free. If anyone has transport problems, we can arrange lifts.
Keep safe!
Margaret McDermott
02 July, 2009
A lot of people do not realise that flu and colds can be spread very readily by the hands. When you blow your nose or cough/ sneeze into your hands, you cover them with harmful bacteria and viruses which stay live for along time and multiply on warm moist skin. A simple habit of washing your hands EVERY time you touch your nose or mouth will help to minimise the chance of passing your germs onto others. The difficulty is remembering!!!
The correct way to hand wash, as told by a first-aid instructor was as follows:
1 Soap your hands all over thoroughly, up to the wrists,
2 Rub the soap in for the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday to You" all through,
3 Rinse the soap off.
Most of us just give a quick rinse under the tap, with or without soap, but that is not sufficient. It is the thorough rubbing-in of the soap that kills the germs. We have drastically reduced the incidence of tummy-bugs by hand-washing after using the toilet, so let's do the same for colds and flu.
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