19 May, 2009


Anyone who attends  Neighbourhood Watch meetings, and lives in our area (see map below), is a member of Neighbourhood watch.

Any  member may take any or all of the Gold Coast City Council free courses on Internet Safety, Self Defence or First Aid.  There are two First Aid courses:  Children's First Aid and Apply First Aid.  These award certificates to attenders which are valid qualifications. 

 I can personally recommend the two courses I have attended so far: Apply First Aid and Self Defence. You could save a life using the knowledge gained  on the First Aid course, and the Self-Defence course uses a combined Martial Arts approach which shows you mind-blowing moves and boosts personal confidence!

These courses run as part of the Community Safety programme, and information about dates and times may be obtained from the Community Safety Office on 5581 6603, or email communitysafety@goldcoast.qld.gov.au.