This NHW group would like to extend a warm welcome to Sergeant Martin Webb who is our new District Crime Prevention Liason Officer, following the reorganisation of policing services in this area. We now fall under the jurisdiction of the Coomera district instead of Surfer's Paradise, and say farewell and thanks to Sergeant Tracey Clouston, who gave us excellent support over the time she looked after the Helensvale NHW groups. Sergeant Webb is assisted by VIPs (Volunteers in Policing), and we wish him, and his team, every success in helping to fight crime in the new northern sub-division of Coomera.
This NHW group starts its 2010 activities with the AGM on Thursday, 25th February, at the Helensvale Community Centre (North Hall) at 7pm. There will be the election of office-holders as well as the usual business of discussing the latest crime figures and giving all attendees a chance to ask questions or raise issues of concern.
Although the present office-holders are happy to continue in their roles, it is necessary to hold an election so that if anyone new wants to offer themselves or nominate someone for any of the four positions, they have the opportunity. For your information, the four posts are :
Coordinator - This person organises and chairs the meetings, organises events, chooses speakers, liases with the police and council, and mobilises the Block and Zone Coordinators for delivering the quarterly newsletter. The time needed is not excessive, but it can get busy as meeting times approach.
Secretary - This person writes letters as needed: answering incoming correspondence, issuing invitations to guests, writing letters of thanks etc. The Secretary attends meetings and minutes all proceedings and provides copies of the Minutes of the previous meeting for circulation or reading out.
Treasurer - This role involves keeping account of income and expenditure, paying bills (for room-hire, equipment etc). The Treasurer attends every meeting and gives a report on the state of the finances. Not much time is needed for this position.
Newletter Editor - This role involves writing a quarterly newsletter, submitting it to our Federal MP's office for printing, and collecting 800 copies for distribution. This person needs access to a computer and email preferably, and an ability to use desk-top publication software.
Margaret McDermott, Coordinator.